Jaw Dropping Murals in Corrientes

We spent several hours in Corrientes before getting back on a bus for an overnight ride to Salta. Corrientes has a nice riverfront, on a very broad part of the River Paraná, not far downstream from the border with Paraguay.

These murals were beautiful and arresting. Actually it was one long mural, covering a wall that spanned a city block on a broad sidewalk.
I put these in here in order, so you can see some of the wall from left to right. It is, as many Latin American murals, a history lesson via art. This one is a history of the continent. There were numerous other murals throughout the city, all done by the same multi-media method of colored, carved concrete, often with object implanted in the piece.
This close up below shows detail; specifically, that these are not painted murals, they are colored concrete. Somebody at the cultural center explained to us that the concrete was put on in layers, and then carved while still wet enough to carve! You can see the layered colors on the underside of the hand, and then the last picture is the the mural in which the hand appears. The results are gorgeous.

I am so taken by it because of the three dimensional nature of the murals. I couldn't take my eyes off them.
